
Haskell Assignment

A.First Edition
This is my first edition of assignment.
B.The problem
C.The idea of program
Very simple.
D.The major functions
C.Further improvement
--Name: Qingzhe Huang
--ID: 5037735
--Title: Comp348 Assignment 1

module A1 where

--I don't know what should I print out for an empty list except a "-1000"
--to indicate an error.

--first :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> a    

first e (x:[]) = if abs x < e then x else (-1000)
first e (x:y:s) = if abs (x-y) < e then x else first e (y:s)
--(f ((a+b)/2))*(f a)>0 means that the middle points has same sign as f(a),
--to do this check, we don't have to make assumption that f(a)<0<f(b),
--because f(a)>0>f(b) can also work

--this utility function help reading
--  half :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
half a b = (a+b)/2

--I cannot use "real 0" to stop the recursive as "cos" function won't stop the infinite loop
--even f(x) is as small as 1.0e-23. So, I arbitrarily chose 1.0e-6 to indicate 0.

--   bisect :: (Ord a, Fractional b, Fractional a) => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> [b]   

bisect f a b = (half a b):( if abs (f (half a b))< (1.0e-6) then [] 
	else if (((f (half a b))*(f a)) >0) then bisect f (half a b) b
	else if (((f (half a b))*(f a)) <0)  then bisect f a (half a b) else [])

--I really don't agree with the use of first here. Because mathmatically speaking it is meaningless as
--first only finds out the first consequtive variables which difference is smaller than tolerance. 
--However, it should be the function value that matters, not the variables.
{---We cannot use first here, and I have to use a self-defined function firstf
--firstf f e (x:[]) = if abs (f x) < e then x else 1000
--firstf f e (x:y:s) = if abs (f x- f y)< e then x else firstf f e (y:s)

--solve1 e f a b = firstf f e (bisect f a b)-}

--solve1 :: (Ord a, Fractional b, Fractional a, Ord b) => a -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a
solve1 e f a b =  first e (bisect f a b)
--this is straightforward!

--diff :: Fractional a => (a -> a) -> a -> a

diff f x = (f (x+h) - f (x-h)) /2/h  where h = 0.00001

--I have to add extra condition to prevent "divide 0" error!
--And what's more I need a small number to indicate it is zero now.
--newt :: Fractional a => (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

newt f x = x:(if abs (f x) <1.0e-6||(diff f x==0) then [] else newt f (x-(f x)/(diff f x)))
--solve2 :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> b -> a

solve2 e f a b = first e (newt f a)
--I use 0.0001 as tolerance.
--solve :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> (a,a)

solve f a b= (solve1 e f a b, solve2 e f a b) where e =0.0001
--trape :: Fractional a => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a

trape f a b = (f a + f b)*(b-a)*0.5

--slope :: Fractional a => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a

slope f a b = (f b - f a)/(b-a)

--integrate :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a

integrate f a b =  if abs (slope f a (half a b) - slope f (half a b) b) <e 
			then (trape f a (half a b))*2
			else integrate f a (half a b) + integrate f (half a b) b  where e =0.001

--integrate f a b = if abs ((trape f a (half a b)) - (trape f (half a b) b)) < e 
--		then (trape f a (half a b))*2
--		else integrate f a (half a b) + integrate f (half a b) b  where e =0.001
--union :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

union [] ys = ys
union (x:xs) ys =   x:union xs (filter (x/=) ys)

--powerset :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]

powerset [x] = [[], [x]]
powerset (x:xs) = union (powerset xs) (map (x:) (powerset xs)) 
--select :: (Eq a, Num b) => b -> [a] -> [[a]]

select n [] = []
select 1 s = map (\x->x:[]) s
select n (x:xs) = union (map (x:) (select (n-1) xs)) (select n xs)


--The test part:
test1 = first 0.01 [0.9,0.99,0.999,0.9999]
A1> test1
test2 = bisect sin 4 3
A1> test2
test3 = solve1 0.0001 sin 4 3
A1> test3
test4 = diff sin 0
A1> test4
test5 = newt sin 2
A1> test5
test6 = solve2 0.001 sin 4 3
A1> test6
test7 = solve sin 4 3
A1> test7
test8 = integrate sin 0 pi
A1> test8
test9 = powerset [1..4]
A1> test9
test10 = select 3 [1..5]
A1> test10


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