

A.First Edition
This is the first edition of my assignment and I don't think there will be any further edition
1¡£ Basic idea: Simply ask user to input a sentence ended with '.','!' or '?' and count the letters of each word
to give some statistic data for words.
2¡£ Program design: Quit simple.¡¡
3¡£ Major function£º

A. int inputSentence()

Major function for inputting and counting for letters and words. Noticed that the last ending mark will be excluded

from counting. And a checking for empty input is a must, otherwise calculating will have dividing 0 error.

B. int countWord(int& charNum)

Simply counting, indicating ending by return -1.


4¡£ Further improvement£º

A. No.

course: comp248
assignment no.2
section: X
instructor: Ms Leila Kosseim
program title: sentence
author: Qingzhe Huang
ID: 5037735
purpose of program: using program control
special points: the last word will exclude the ending mark '.','?','!'

#include <iostream>
//initializing number for minWord which means the max length of a word
const int MaxLength =100;
//initializing number for maxWord which means the min length of a word
const int MinLength = 0;
using namespace std;
//this will count each word for one sentence
int countWord(int& charNum);
//this will display result
void display(int wordCount, int minWord, int maxWord, int totalChar);
//this allows user input one complete sentence
int inputSentence();
int main()
	inputSentence();     //analyse sentence!
	return 0;
//this allows user input one complete sentence
int inputSentence()
//record total number of character of sentence excluding last mark
int totalChar=0,
//record the number of char of longest word
maxWord= MinLength,
//record the number of char of shortest word
minWord= MaxLength,
//record number of words in sentence
//a temp variable for length of each word,passing as param
tempCount =0,
//testing the return value of function countWord
test =0;
	cout<<"Please enter the sentence to analyse"
<<"(ended with a '.', '?' or '!')"<<endl;
	while (true)
test = countWord(tempCount); //continue test word
totalChar += tempCount; //inc total num of char in sentence
if (tempCount!=0) //this means there is a new word
wordCount++; //inc word number
if (tempCount>maxWord) //if found a longer word
maxWord = tempCount; //update number of char of longest word
			if (tempCount < minWord)//if found a shorter word
minWord = tempCount;//update num of char of shortest word
if (test==-1) //this means the end of sentence is reached and break
	if (wordCount!=0) //must do this, otherwise, there will be 0 as divident
display(wordCount, minWord, maxWord, totalChar); //call sub to display
cout<<"\nYou have not input a single word!";
return wordCount;
//this will count each word for one sentence
int countWord(int& charNum)
char ch;
	charNum =0;  //initialize
while (ch!= '.'&& ch!='?'&&ch!='!'&&ch!=32)
if (ch==32)
return 1;//this means there is blank space after a word
} //or simply a blank space itself
return -1; //this means it is ending mark terminates the loop
//this will display result
void display(int wordCount, int minWord, int maxWord, int totalChar)
cout<<"\nThere are "<<wordCount<<" words.";
cout<<"\nThe longest word has "<<maxWord<<" characters.";
cout<<"\nThe shortest word has "<<minWord<<" characters.";
cout<<"\nThe average length is "<<(double)totalChar/wordCount
<<" characters.";

                                                         back.gif (341 bytes)       up.gif (335 bytes)         next.gif (337 bytes)