Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]

D.21 Deprecated shared_ptr atomic access [depr.util.smartptr.shared.atomic]

The header <memory> has the following additions:
namespace std { template<class T> bool atomic_is_lock_free(const shared_ptr<T>* p); template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_load(const shared_ptr<T>* p); template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_load_explicit(const shared_ptr<T>* p, memory_order mo); template<class T> void atomic_store(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r); template<class T> void atomic_store_explicit(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r, memory_order mo); template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_exchange(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r); template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_exchange_explicit(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r, memory_order mo); template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w); template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w); template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit( shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w, memory_order success, memory_order failure); template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit( shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w, memory_order success, memory_order failure); }
Concurrent access to a shared_ptr object from multiple threads does not introduce a data race if the access is done exclusively via the functions in this subclause and the instance is passed as their first argument.
The meaning of the arguments of type memory_order is explained in [atomics.order].
template<class T> bool atomic_is_lock_free(const shared_ptr<T>* p);
Preconditions: p is not null.
Returns: true if atomic access to *p is lock-free, false otherwise.
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_load(const shared_ptr<T>* p);
Preconditions: p is not null.
Returns: atomic_load_explicit(p, memory_order​::​seq_cst).
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_load_explicit(const shared_ptr<T>* p, memory_order mo);
Preconditions: p is not null.
mo is neither memory_order​::​release nor memory_order​::​acq_rel.
Returns: *p.
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> void atomic_store(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r);
Preconditions: p is not null.
Effects: As if by atomic_store_explicit(p, r, memory_order​::​seq_cst).
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> void atomic_store_explicit(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r, memory_order mo);
Preconditions: p is not null.
mo is neither memory_order​::​acquire nor memory_order​::​acq_rel.
Effects: As if by p->swap(r).
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_exchange(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r);
Preconditions: p is not null.
Returns: atomic_exchange_explicit(p, r, memory_order​::​seq_cst).
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_exchange_explicit(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T> r, memory_order mo);
Preconditions: p is not null.
Effects: As if by p->swap(r).
Returns: The previous value of *p.
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w);
Preconditions: p is not null and v is not null.
Returns: atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(p, v, w, memory_order::seq_cst, memory_order::seq_cst)
Throws: Nothing.
template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong(shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w);
Returns: atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(p, v, w, memory_order::seq_cst, memory_order::seq_cst)
template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit( shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w, memory_order success, memory_order failure); template<class T> bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit( shared_ptr<T>* p, shared_ptr<T>* v, shared_ptr<T> w, memory_order success, memory_order failure);
Preconditions: p is not null and v is not null.
The failure argument is neither memory_order​::​release nor memory_order​::​acq_rel.
Effects: If *p is equivalent to *v, assigns w to *p and has synchronization semantics corresponding to the value of success, otherwise assigns *p to *v and has synchronization semantics corresponding to the value of failure.
Returns: true if *p was equivalent to *v, false otherwise.
Throws: Nothing.
Remarks: Two shared_ptr objects are equivalent if they store the same pointer value and share ownership.
The weak form may fail spuriously.