31 Input/output library [input.output]

31.7 Formatting and manipulators [iostream.format]

31.7.5 Input streams [input.streams] Class template basic_istream [istream] General [istream.general]

When a function is specified with a type placeholder of extended-floating-point-type, the implementation provides overloads for all cv-unqualified extended floating-point types ([basic.fundamental]) in lieu of extended-floating-​point-type.
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<charT, traits> { public: // types (inherited from basic_ios ([ios])) using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [istream.cons], constructor/destructor explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); virtual ~basic_istream(); // [istream.sentry], prefix/suffix class sentry; // [istream.formatted], formatted input basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& (*pf)(basic_istream&)); basic_istream& operator>>(basic_ios<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ios<charT, traits>&)); basic_istream& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&)); basic_istream& operator>>(bool& n); basic_istream& operator>>(short& n); basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned short& n); basic_istream& operator>>(int& n); basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned int& n); basic_istream& operator>>(long& n); basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned long& n); basic_istream& operator>>(long long& n); basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned long long& n); basic_istream& operator>>(float& f); basic_istream& operator>>(double& f); basic_istream& operator>>(long double& f); basic_istream& operator>>(extended-floating-point-type& f); basic_istream& operator>>(void*& p); basic_istream& operator>>(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>* sb); // [istream.unformatted], unformatted input streamsize gcount() const; int_type get(); basic_istream& get(char_type& c); basic_istream& get(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream& get(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim); basic_istream& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb); basic_istream& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb, char_type delim); basic_istream& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim); basic_istream& ignore(streamsize n = 1, int_type delim = traits::eof()); int_type peek(); basic_istream& read (char_type* s, streamsize n); streamsize readsome(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream& putback(char_type c); basic_istream& unget(); int sync(); pos_type tellg(); basic_istream& seekg(pos_type); basic_istream& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); protected: // [istream.cons], copy/move constructor basic_istream(const basic_istream&) = delete; basic_istream(basic_istream&& rhs); // [istream.assign], assignment and swap basic_istream& operator=(const basic_istream&) = delete; basic_istream& operator=(basic_istream&& rhs); void swap(basic_istream& rhs); }; // [istream.extractors], character extraction templates template<class charT, class traits> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&, charT&); template<class traits> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, unsigned char&); template<class traits> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, signed char&); template<class charT, class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&, charT(&)[N]); template<class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, unsigned char(&)[N]); template<class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, signed char(&)[N]); }
The class template basic_istream defines a number of member function signatures that assist in reading and interpreting input from sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
Two groups of member function signatures share common properties: the formatted input functions (or extractors) and the unformatted input functions. Both groups of input functions are described as if they obtain (or extract) input characters by calling rdbuf()->sbumpc() or rdbuf()->sgetc().
They may use other public members of istream.