Linux thread operations

         File-Server (I)

A. First Edition
This is comp444 lab3 and it is concentrated on thread synchronization, FIFO etc.
B.The problem

COMP 444

Winter term 2005

Programming Assignment 3

Due Date: Midnight, March 31, 2005 (yes, this is less than 2 weeks)

Objective: Your goal in this assignment is to prototype the framework for a simple file server. I

say ※framework§ because my hope is that we will be able to finish the file server with the fourth

assignment. So you can think of this as part A. Because time is getting tight, the combined size of

the two remaining assignments (particularly the 4th one) will be smaller than the combined size of

the first two.

You will proceed as follows:

You will develop the code for the file server and a simple client (you will test the code with

multiple clients but they will all be instances of the same client application.) Basically, clients will

contact the server and request some service.

The server will be accessible to applications on the same host (not remote clients). We will

therefor utilize a FIFO (named pipe) for client server communication. This will work as follows.

The client application, called fclient.exe (yes, the .exe is a Windows convention) will connect to

the server on a FIFO called fserver.fifo. Note: For the assignment, all required files and

applications will reside in the same directory (this could easily be extended if necessary).

The server application, fserver.exe, will create this FIFO when it is first run. (If the FIFO already

exists 每 from a previous invocation 每 the server should use the existing FIFO). It will then start

listening on the FIFO for client requests.

The client(s) will send a short message to the server. The message will consist of three parts. It

will look like this:

The Process ID corresponds to the client and is simply an integer. The file operation is also an

integer and can take on one of three values (this may be extended in the 4th assignment).

Specifically it can be: FILE_TYPE, FILE_INODE, or FILE_SIZE. These are just constants that you

create with a #define statement (i.e., FILE_SIZE = 1, FILE_INODE = 2, FILE_SIZE = 3). Note that

all three operations are simply values that can be obtained with a stat call. The last field, File

Name, is a string. The File Name field should be defined to be of length 64 (chars). Again, all data

files will reside in the same directory so you don*t have to worry about full path names. Any file

name written to this field should be null terminated so that the server can find the end of the name

(maximum file name = 63 characters). Note: Because we are not accepting connections from

remote machines, we do not have to worry about things like the endian-ness of the client. We can

therefore send data in native binary format (the first two fields) since everyone uses the same

encoding. In our case, the length of the message would be 72 bytes on most Intel/Linux


The server will read requests from the pipe. There may be several requests in the pipe at one

time but this is not a problem since the server knows that it can read a specific number of bytes

for an individual request. So, using our above example, it can try to read 72 bytes at a time from

the pipe. When a read is successful, the server can process the request by simply interpreting the

three fields.

It is now time to process the request. Like many modern servers, we will use threads to do the

actual work. We do not want to continuously create and destroy threads so we will use a simple

※thread pool§ mechanism. As such, when the server starts up, it will create a pool of ten threads

(before it starts accepting requests). These ten threads will answer all requests until the server is


When requests arrive, the server will place them into a queue. Note: you will probably use a

linked list to represent the queue. You do NOT have to write the linked code yourself if you don*t

want to 每 you can use code from a textbook, the web, or anywhere else. The simplest thing would

be to define a struct that holds the three fields and put this in the queue.

All threads (processing threads plus the thread that listens for client requests) will use the queue.

It must therefore be protected with a mutex. In short, the listening thread will process the requests

and put them into the queue and the processing threads will check for new requests (and remove

them from the queue).

How will they decide who gets the request? The mutex should actually be associated with a

condition variable. The listening thread will obtain the mutex, update the list, and then signal the

processing threads. In turn, the processing threads will wait on a change to the queue, and then

try to obtain a new request.

The processing threads will essentially operate in a little loop. They wait for a request from the

queue and then proceed to answer the request. When they complete their processing, they

simply go back and wait for another request from the queue. The processing threads terminate

only when the server terminates (with a terminate signal from the keyboard).

What does the processing actually consist of? A request will have three parts: client process ID,

file operation, and file name. The basic idea is that the processing thread will perform the relevant

file operation on the specified file and return the result to the client. Communication with the client

will be performed as follows. The processing thread will create a new FIFO using a temporary

name that consists of the client*s process ID. The client (which knows its own PID) will read from

this FIFO. The basic concept is explained in the textbook on page 447-449. Note: do not worry

about catching SIGPIPE errors. This assignment is about FIFOs and threads and I don*t want you

to have to deal with messy signal handling in this case. Finally, you may find that the client wants

to read from the pipe before the processing thread has created it. If so, you can have the FIFO be

created by either the client or the processing thread 每 whomever gets there first.

In our case, the data returned to the client will consist of a single integer value: the file size, file

type, or inode number. If an error occurs, this has to be returned as well. For us, there will be just

two errors: FILE_NOT_FOUND (if the specified file doesn*t exist) and UNKNOWN_ERROR for

anything else (we*ll probably never use this second one in practice but it should be there). Each

of these are constants and should be associated with a negative number (FILE_NOT_FOUND = -

1 and UNKNOWN_ERROR = -2). This way the client can tell if an error ocurred or if the returned

value is a legitimate result.

The clients will read the result from the server and write the result to a local file called result.PID,

where PID is the process ID of the client. We do this just to have a simple mechanism to test the

returned values (rather than dumping everything to the screen). You can just use the simple C

library I/O calls for this.

There is one other error that has to be handled. If the server*s queue is full, then the listening

thread must return an error to the client to say that it can*t service the request right now. The

QUEUE_FULL error should also be a negative number (-3). Note: the listening thread will use

the same temporary FIFO mechanism to talk to the client. If the queue is full, the client should go

to sleep for 1 second and try again. It will do this in a loop until it finally gets throught to the


When you create the little client application, you have to be able to specify a File Name and File

Operation. You should do this simply by specifying two command line parameters 每 file name and

then file operation. Note: the OS won*t understand your constants so you will have to specify the

file operation as an integer (1, 2, or 3).

A few other odds and ends. Remember that FIFOs (specifically the ones between processing

threads and the client) are persistent and thus must be explicitly removed. The client should

probably do this since it is the last to read from the pipe. You should check the /tmp directory

(where the pipes will be created during your testing) to make sure that none are still laying

around. Remove any extras if you find them.

You will want to test the program with a bunch of clients. If you are familiar with UNIX/batch shell

programming, you can set up a nice script that generates a bunch of clients for you. If not, the

simplest thing to do is just create a simple text file and add lines of the form

client.exe abc.txt 2

client.exe goofy.dat 3

Each line represents a client invocation along with a file name and a file operation number. You

should change the permissions of the text file with chmod so that it is executable. You can then

just run this text file from the command line. The shell will just interpret it as a bunch of program

invocations and will run the client programs in rapid succession. The server should be started first

with the & operator so that it runs in the background and returns your prompt.

You will also have to create a handful of ※data files§ that the clients will be trying to access. You

don*t have to do anything special to create these files 每 we don*t care about the contents right


Finally, because the file operations are so simple, the threads will finish their processing almost

immediately. It may be hard to get the queue to fill up and, thus, it may be hard to mimic a system

under heavy use. You should therefore insert a sleep(1) call in the processing thread so that we

can get the effect of heavy processing on a busy system. When you generate a 20-30 clients, you

should now saturate the queue and cause some of the clients to wait.

That*s it. Good luck

C.The idea of program
1. file list:
a) source code:
	myhead.h	//general head file for includes
	errHandle.c	//universal error handler
	fprotocol.h	//all protocol-related definition, i.e. structure
	fclient.c	//client source
	fserver.c	//server source
	jobgen.c	//a job generator source
b) executable files:
	fclient.exe	//client, takes no parameter, must be run after fserver.exe already being running
	fserver.exe	//server, takes an optional parameter of length of job queue,default is 10
	jobgen.exe	//an optional automatic job generator which reads all files in current diretory and generate random file 
c) makefile:

d) test script file:
	run.script	//a sample test script file, must run server first. 
			//i.e. fserver.exe [lengthofqueue]& 
2. how to compile:

3. how to run:
a) run server: 
	./fserver.exe [lengthofqueue] & 
b) you have three choices to run client:
i) run client from command line: 
	./fclient.exe filename requesttype
ii) run client from script:
iii) run job generator:

4. feature of program:
a) I designed two conditional variables so that listening thread and all other processing threads are associated with two different 
	conditional variables. When the queue is empty, processing threads will only signal listening threads since the job queue is 
	already emptied. When the queue is full, the processing thread will only broadcast all processing threads. And another 
	potential usage of two conditional variables is that originally I designed to force the queue to be 80% full before all 
	processing threads can be notified. That is to say, when job queue is less than 80% full, only listening thread is working. By 
	doing this, I can possibly create a queue full scenario. Later, when I found "sleep" call won't block whole process, this 
	design is dropped.
b) I write an automatic testing program, jobgen.exe, which reads all file and directory name in current directory and "fork&exec" a 
	client.exe to run a random request. 
c) All read and write of both client and server are in "blocking" mode which is more efficient than "busy-waiting" in 
	"non-blocking" mode. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to open fifo in mode of "read&write". 
D.The major functions
The seems to me is that you must be very careful for the mode of opening a FIFO. As we know, "block" mode for 
reading has a higher efficiency than "non-block" mode reading since programmer has to polling FIFO in a busy-waiting
model. But in almost all books of Linux programming, it is said very clear: 
	i) Block-mode: If a FIFO is opened with either "read-only" or "write-only", then it is blocked when there 
	is correspondent reader or writer already at any side of FIFO. And later reading and writing is just 
	"blocked". (Do I have to point it out?)
	ii) Non-Block mode: If a FIFO is opened with "read-only" returns immediately and a open with "write-only"
	generates an error when no other reader exists. And the reading and writing is just "non-blocked". (Do I have
	to point it out?)
E.Further improvement
F.File listing
1. myhead.h
2. errHandle.c
3. fprotocol.h
4. fclient.c
5. fserver.c
6. jobgen.c
7. makefile
file name: myhead.h
#ifndef MYHEAD_H
#define MYHEAD_H
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>

extern int errno;

//define three mode and it is purely like
// DFA=Deterministic Finite Automaton
#define FindNext        0
#define Comparing       1

typedef int bool;

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0

//for a particular file NAME, NOT path
//const int MaxNameLength=20;
#define MaxPathLength 128

#define MaxNameLength  20 

#define MaxIntLength   20

#define BuffSize   128

#define EmptyGridNode   'E' //the empty tic-tac-toe grid

#define PlayerTypeLength 2

#define PlayerPidLength (MaxIntLength+1)

#define BoardLength 9 //the tic-tac-toe length

#define PlayerX_Pos PlayerTypeLength

#define PlayerO_Pos (PlayerTypeLength*2+PlayerPidLength)

#define BoardPos ((PlayerTypeLength+PlayerPidLength)*2+1)

#define WinnerPos (BoardPos+BoardLength+1)

#define WinnerTypeLength 1 //simply the X or O

#define SleepSeconds 1


void errHandle(char* msg);

file name: errHandle.c
#include "myhead.h"

extern int errno;

void errHandle(char* msg)
	if (msg!=NULL)
file name: fprotocol.h
#include <sys/types.h>

typedef enum
	FILE_TYPE      =   1,
	FILE_INODE     =   2,
	FILE_SIZE      =   3,
	QUEUE_FULL     =  -3

#define FILE_TYPE       1
#define FILE_INODE      2
#define FILE_SIZE       3
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND -1
#define UNKNOWN_ERROR  -2
#define QUEUE_FULL     -3

typedef enum
	Regular    =    1,
	Directory  =    2,
	SoftLink   =    3,
	Character  =    4,
	Block      =    5, 
	FIFO       =    6, 
	Socket     =    7

typedef struct
	pid_t pid;
	RequestType fileOp;
	int result;

//file type
#define Regular        1
#define Directory      2
#define SoftLink       3
#define Character      4
#define Block          5
#define FIFO           6
#define Socket         7

#define MaxRequestFileNameLength 64

typedef struct 
	pid_t pid;
	RequestType fileOp;
	char fileName[MaxRequestFileNameLength];

#define ProcessIDLength          6
#define FileOperationLength      2
#define RequestRecordLength      MaxRequestFileNameLength+ProcessIDLength+FileOperationLength
typedef struct 
        pid_t pid;
        int fileOp;
        char fileName[MaxRequestFileNameLength];

//typedef struct Job Job_t;

#define RequestRecordLength sizeof(Job_t)

char* serverFifoName="fserver.fifo";

#define DefaultThreadNumber 10


file name: fclient.c
#include "myhead.h"
#include "fprotocol.h"

extern char* serverFifoName;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int fdwrite, fdread, result;
	char pidBuf[MaxIntLength+7];
	Job_t requestRec;
	char* queueFullMsg="The job queue is full\n";
	char readBuf[MaxIntLength];
	if (argc!=3)
		errHandle("usage fclient.exe [filename] [fileop]\n");
	if (!(argv[2][0]>='0'&&argv[2][0]<='9'))
		errHandle("the file operation must be a number between 0-9");
	strcpy(requestRec.fileName, argv[1]);
	sprintf(pidBuf, "%d.fifo", getpid());
	if (mkfifo(pidBuf, FIFOMode)<0)
		errHandle("create fifo at client fails");
	if ((fdwrite=open(serverFifoName, O_RDWR))<0)
		errHandle("open fifo error");
	if (write(fdwrite, &requestRec, RequestRecordLength)!=RequestRecordLength)
		errHandle("write error for fifo");
	if ((fdread=open(pidBuf, O_RDWR))<0)
		errHandle("open fifo for read error");
	//open the result file first
	sprintf(pidBuf, "%d.result", getpid());
	if ((fdwrite=open(pidBuf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, FIFOMode))<0)
		errHandle("create result file error");

	while (1)
		//printf("client %d begin reading\n", getpid());
		if (read(fdread, &result, sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int))
			errHandle("error of read fifo");
			if (result!=QUEUE_FULL)//if it is, then need to be patient
				if (write(fdwrite, queueFullMsg, strlen(queueFullMsg))!=strlen(queueFullMsg))
					errHandle("write error of client\n");
	//read successfuland close fifo
	if (close(fdread)<0)
		errHandle("close fifo error");
	sprintf(readBuf, "%d", result);
	if (write(fdwrite, readBuf, strlen(readBuf))!=strlen(readBuf))
		errHandle("write result error");
	return 0;
file name: fserver.c
#include "myhead.h"
#include "fprotocol.h"
#include <pthread.h>

Job_t* jobs;

extern char* serverFifoName;

int fdServer;
int jobCount=0;
int workerCount=0;
int currentJob=0;
int threadNumber;
Job_t requestRec;
ResponseRec responseRec;
pthread_t* threads;
//char* serverFifoName="fserver.fifo";
//DynaArrayPtr arrayPtr;

pthread_cond_t jobCond=PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t controlCond=PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t mutex=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void createQueue();
void initialize(int argc, char* argv[]);
void uninitialize();
void createThreads();
void createFifo(char* fifoName);
void writeFifo();

//the child do job
void doJob();
//the control thread is main thread
void doControl();
void broadcast();

//the thread function
void* jobFunc(void* arg);
void controlFunc();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	initialize(argc, argv);
	return 0;

void controlFunc()
	int n;
	while (1)
		//reading here are BLOCKING
		if ((n=read(fdServer, &requestRec, RequestRecordLength))!=RequestRecordLength)
			if (n==0)
				//printf("\ncontrol thread read %d\n", n);
				errHandle("read pipe in control thread error");
		//printf("control read pid=%d\n",;
		if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex))
			errHandle("mutex lock error");
		//if the queue is full
		while (jobCount==threadNumber-1)
			//printf("job queue is full now\n");
			//sprintf(queueFullBuf, "%d", QUEUE_FULL);
			//buf always has processID at beginning and terminated with NULL
			//strcat(pidBuf, ".fifo");;
			//printf("prepare to write to fifo of pid=%d\n",;
			//printf("write job queue full msg\n");
			if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&jobCond))
				errHandle("broadcast error\n");
			if (pthread_cond_wait(&controlCond, &mutex))
				errHandle("condition wait error");
		if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex))
			errHandle("mutex unlock error");

//this is a call that both listening thread and processing thread would call
//it favours notifying processing thread until queue is 80% full
void broadcast()
	//always favour control thread
	if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&controlCond))
		errHandle("condition broadcast error\n");
	//printf("jobcontrol broadcasted\n");
	//to make job count become 80% of capacity
	//if (jobCount>8*threadNumber/10)
		if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&jobCond))
			errHandle("condition broadcast error\n");

void doJob()
	//char pidBuf[MaxIntLength];//20
	//char resultBuf[MaxIntLength];
	int result;
	struct stat statBuf;
	if (stat(jobs[currentJob].fileName, &statBuf)<0)
		if (errno==ENOENT)
			errHandle("stat error");
	case FILE_TYPE:
		if (S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISDIR(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISLNK(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISCHR(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISBLK(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISFIFO(statBuf.st_mode))
		if (S_ISSOCK(statBuf.st_mode))
	case FILE_SIZE:
	//printf("\nhere child read job index=%d", currentJob);
	//printf("\npid=%d, fileop=%d, filename=%s\n", jobs[currentJob].pid, jobs[currentJob].fileOp, jobs[currentJob].fileName);
	//sprintf(pidBuf, "%d.fifo", jobs[currentJob].pid);
	//sprintf(resultBuf, "%d", result);
	//it is client's responsibility to create fifo

void writeFifo()
	int fd;
	//char intBuf[MaxIntLength];
	char fifoName[MaxIntLength+5];
	sprintf(fifoName, "%d.fifo",;
	if ((fd=open(fifoName, O_WRONLY))<0)
		//printf("\nthe fifonoame is  %s\n", fifoName);
		//write(STDOUT_FILENO, fifoName, strlen(fifoName));
		errHandle("open fifo for write error");
	//sprintf(intBuf, "%d", responseRec.result);
	if (write(fd, &responseRec.result, sizeof(int))!=sizeof(int))
		errHandle("write fifo error");

//assume processID is only 5 digits terminated with NULL
//assume fileoperation is only 1digit terminated with NULL
void doControl()
	int index;
	//int pid, requestType;
	jobs[index]=requestRec;//should be struct copy??
	//strcpy(jobs[index].fileName, buf+ProcessIDLength+FileOperationLength+1);
	//printf("get a job with pid=%d, fileop=%d, filename=%s\n", pid, requestType, jobs[index].fileName);

void* jobFunc(void* arg)
	while (1)
		if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex))
			errHandle("mutex locking error\n");
		//waiting for condition variable
		while (jobCount==0)
			if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&controlCond))
				errHandle("broadcast error\n");
			if (pthread_cond_wait(&jobCond, &mutex))
				errHandle("condition wait error\n");
		//printf("finished one job\n");
		if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex))
			errHandle("mutex unlock error\n");

void initialize(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc==1)
		if (argc==2)
			if (threadNumber<=0)
				errHandle("usage: fserver.exe [threadnumber]\n");
			errHandle("usage: fserver.exe [threadnumber]\n");
	//arrayPtr=createArray();//create the dynamic array for integer;
	if ((fdServer=open(serverFifoName, O_RDWR))<0)
		errHandle("open server fifo error");

void createQueue()
	if ((jobs=(Job_t*)malloc(threadNumber*sizeof(Job_t)))==NULL)
		errHandle("create job queue error\n");
	jobCount=0;//initialize to 0;

void createFifo(char* fifoName)
	if (mkfifo(fifoName, FIFOMode)<0)
		if (errno!=EEXIST)	
			errHandle("create fifo error\n");

void createThreads()
	int i;
	if ((threads=(pthread_t*)malloc(threadNumber*sizeof(pthread_t)))==NULL)
		errHandle("cannot malloc pthreads array\n");
	for (i=0; i<threadNumber; i++)
		if (pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, jobFunc,(void*)i))
			errHandle("create threads error\n");

file name: jobgen.c
#include "myhead.h"

extern int errno;

void doJob(char* path);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	DIR* dp;
	struct dirent* dnode;
	if ((dp=opendir("."))==NULL)
		errHandle("open dir error\n");
	while ((dnode=readdir(dp))!=NULL)
	if (errno!=0)
		errHandle("errno!=0 means read dir error\n");
	return 0;

void doJob(char* path)
	char option[2];
	if (fork()==0)
		printf("./fclient.exe %s %s\n", path, option);
		if (execl("./fclient.exe", "fclient.exe", path, option, NULL)<0)
			errHandle("exec error");
file name: makefile
all:    fserver.exe fclient.exe jobgen.exe
	@echo "make complete for fserver.exe, fclient.exe, jobgen.exe"
	cp ./fserver.exe ./rundir/
	cp ./fclient.exe ./rundir/
	cp ./jobgen.exe ./rundir/
	rm -f ./rundir/*.fifo
	rm -f ./rundir/*.result
errHandle.o : errHandle.c myhead.h
	@echo "compiling errHanle module..."
	gcc -g -c errHandle.c -o errHandle.o

jobgen.exe : jobgen.c errHandle.o myhead.h
	@echo "compiling jobgen.exe..."
	gcc -g jobgen.c errHandle.o -o jobgen.exe

fclient.exe : fclient.c errHandle.o myhead.h fprotocol.h
	@echo "compiling fclient.exe..." 
	gcc -g fclient.c errHandle.o -o fclient.exe

fserver.exe : fserver.c myhead.h errHandle.o fprotocol.h
	@echo "compiling fserver.exe..."
	gcc -g -lpthread fserver.c errHandle.o -o fserver.exe
clear :
	@echo "clear up...\n"
	rm *.o *.exe

How to run?

a) run server:
./fserver.exe [lengthofqueue] &
b) you have three choices to run client:
i) run client from command line:
./fclient.exe filename requesttype
ii) run client from script:
iii) run job generator:

                                 back.gif (341 bytes)       up.gif (335 bytes)         next.gif (337 bytes)