algorithm analysis

      Monotone Array-algorithm analysis

A. Second Edition
This is one of problem in assignment of comp465 and it is regarded as a joke because professor said it is for fun.
But I spent quite a lot of time thinking about it. 
Seriously this is not a joke. If I said anything about it before, I sincerely apologize for it because it may not
be as easy as it seems. I tried both linear-search and binary search for comparison. At beginning, it puzzles me
a lot as for almost all cases linear is BETTER then binary which is against my calculation! Finally I found out 
my mistake that by applying master theorem, I already assume linear search is always in its worst cases. However,
it is very subtle for you to generate appropriate PATTERN of data to create WORST cases.
In all, it depends on the input data pattern. What I mean is that for a small n, the result is sometimes confusing.
When I use a large n, say 100, 200, the result makes much senses.
B.The problem

A two-dimensional array a is called monotone if

a(i, j)  a(i + 1, j) and a(i, j)  a(i, j + 1)

for all i and j. Design an algorithm that, given an nn monotone array a of

integers, returns either a pair (i, j) such that a(i, j) = 0 or a message tough

luck signifying that no such pair exists. Your objective is to minimize the

worst-case number of entries of a that your algorithm consults (n2 is trivial

and ndlg ne is easy; to get any points, you must do better than O(n lg n)).

Present your algorithm in the pseudocode style of Question 1.

(This problem has nothing to do with any material covered in class; it is

simply a fun exercise in the design of ecient algorithms.)


1. An array of nxn and has such property that for every entry [i,j], it is always bigger than both upper and left engtry: [i-1,j] and [i, j-1]. This is called monotone array of size of n.

2. Can you find if the array has at least one entry which is 0? Don't say you can do it by binary search which is trivial. Don't say you need sort because it is a kind of sorted.

C.The idea of program

Originally it is proposed by some other guy, but he didn't believe it shortly. I had a feeling that it is divide-and-conquer like Strasseng's algorithm.

First you search along the diagonal of matrix until you encounter the positive entry. Then you divide matrix into four parts by row and column passing this entry: both the upper-left and lower-right will not contain 0 because one includes all negative and the other includes all positive. The upper-right and lower-left is your target which are two sub-matrix containing both positive and negative numbers. You recursive call to solve these two sub-matrix.

In this edition, I only add one binary search to compare with linear search along diagonal because it is a kind

of sorted. And the slightly change determine that the two algorithm has great difference in worst cases.

In linear search, the algorithm has much big difference in worst cases and best cases.

    a) Best cases: There is no recursion and you find the zero or determined there is no zero when you finish

    search along diagonal of matrix. Linear search is in O(n) and binary is in (lgn).

    b) Worst cases: There is recursion. The search is always ended up at middle.

    Linear: T(n)=n/2 + 2T(n/2)

    Binary: T(n)=lg(n/2) + 2T(n/2)

    Here we need to use Master Theorem.

    For linear, f(n)=theta(n) and a=b=2 so, n^logb(a)=n^1 ===> f(n) = theta(n^logb(a))

    Hence, T(n) = theta(nlgn)

    For binary: f(n)=theta(lgn) and a=b=2 so, n^logb(a)=n^1  ====> f(n)=O(n^logb(a)-epsilon) where epsilon>0,

    Hence, T(n) = theta(f(n))=theta(n^logb(a))=theta(n)

    c) Average cases: There is recursion but it doesn't end up in the middle.

    Linear: T(n)= n/b+ T(n/b)+ T(n/(n-b))  where  0<b<n

    Binary: T(n)=lg(n/b) +  T(n/b)+ T(n/(n-b))  where  0<b<n

    Can we use Master Theorem here? I am not sure, but at least we can estimate approximately.

    Let's choose b= max(b, n-b) to discuss the "worst" cases of this average cases:

    Linear: T(n)= n/b+ 2T(n/b)  where 2<b

    Binary: T(n) = lg(n/b) + 2T(n/b)  where 2<b

    Then we can use Master Theorem similarly as worst cases:

    Linear: f(n)=theta(n), a=2, b>2, logb(a)<1, ===> f(n)=omega(n^logb(a)+epsilon) where epsilon>0

    Hence, T(n)=theta(f(n))= theta(n)

    Binary:  f(n)=theta(lgn) and a=2,b>2 so, logb(a)<1  ====> f(n)=O(n^logb(a)-epsilon) where epsilon>0,

    Hence, T(n)=theta(n^logb(a))

Quite expectedly, binary search is better than linear search which is nothing special.


D.The major functions
I tried to confirm my idea by running single test and multi-test which simply iterates a number of times and 
calculates the average number of comparison operations of entries which is a scale of big O.
E.Further improvement
F.File listing
1. monotone.cpp
file name: monotone.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

int _row, _col;
const int StartNumber=-500;
const int ArraySize=100;
//const int Step=8;
#define Step (rand()%10+3)
int array[ArraySize][ArraySize];

void initialize();
void binary(int startR, int startC, int step);
void linear(int startR, int startC, int step);

void display(int startR, int startC, int row, int col);

void construct(int row, int col);
bool search(int startR, int startC, int row, int col);

int counter=0;
bool showTrace=false;
bool noDisplay=true;
bool useLinear=true;

int max(int i, int j);
int min(int i, int j);

int testNumber=50;

double linearResult=0;
double binaryResult=0;

void monoRun();

void singleTest();
void multiTest();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc==2)
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "trace")==0)

	//printf("single test no. 1\n");
	//printf("single test no. 2\n");
	printf("multi test \n");

	return 0;

void singleTest()

void multiTest()
	double result=0;
	for (int i=0; i<testNumber; i++)
	printf("\n%d times and average for linear is %g\n", testNumber, linearResult/testNumber);
	printf("\n%d times and average for binary is %g\n", testNumber, binaryResult/testNumber);

void monoRun()
	if (!noDisplay)
		display(0, 0, ArraySize, ArraySize);
	printf("\n---------------------------------------------\nlinear test\n");

	if (search(0, 0, ArraySize, ArraySize))
		printf("\nfind it! array[%d][%d]=0\n", _row, _col);
		printf("\nfind it! at counter/ArraySize=%d/%d=%f\n", counter, ArraySize,
		printf("\nNo luck! counter/ArraySize=%d/%d=%f\n", counter, ArraySize,
	printf("\n----------------------------------------------\nbinary test\n");
	if (search(0, 0, ArraySize, ArraySize))
		printf("\nfind it! array[%d][%d]=0\n", _row, _col);
		printf("\nfind it! at counter/ArraySize=%d/%d=%f\n", counter, ArraySize,
		printf("\nNo luck! counter/ArraySize=%d/%d=%f\n", counter, ArraySize,
	//return (double)counter/ArraySize;

void linear(int startR, int startC, int step)
	while (array[_row][_col]<0)
		if (_row+1==startR+step||_col+1==startC+step)

void binary(int startR, int startC, int step)
		if (step==0)
		if (array[_row-step][_col-step]>=0)

bool search(int startR, int startC, int row, int col)
	//int r=startR, c=startC;
	int step;
	if (row==0||col==0)
		return false;
	if (row==1||col==1)
		return array[startR][startC]==0;
	if (showTrace)
		display(startR, startC, row, col);
	step=min(row, col);
	if (useLinear)
		linear(startR, startC, step);
		binary(startR, startC, step);

	if (array[_row][_col]==0)
		//printf("\nfind it! array[%d][%d]=0\n", _row, _col);
		return true;
	return search(_row, startC, row-_row+startR, _col-startC)
		||search(startR, _col, _row-startR, col-_col+startC);

void construct(int row, int col)
	int left, upper, prev;
	if (row==ArraySize||col==ArraySize)
	if (row-1>=0&&col-1>=0)
		if (row-1<0&&col-1>=0)
			if (row-1>=0&&col-1<0)
				//row=col==0, starting
	array[row][col]=prev+rand()%Step;//increase step everytime
	construct(row+1, col);
	construct(row, col+1);
	construct(row+1, col+1);

void display(int startR, int startC, int row, int col)
	for (int r=startR; r<startR+row; r++)
		printf("row[%d]\t", r);
		for (int c=startC; c<startC+col; c++)
			printf("%-5d", array[r][c]);

int min(int i, int j)
	return i<j?i:j;

int max(int i, int j)
	return i>j?i:j;

void initialize()
	for (int r=0; r<ArraySize; r++)
		for (int c=0; c<ArraySize; c++)
			if (r==0&&c==0)
				if (r==0&&c!=0)
					if (r!=0&&c==0)
						array[r][c]=max(array[r-1][c], array[r][c-1])+rand()%Step;
	//construct(0, 0);

How to run?
I try generate different pattern of data to create some kind of worst cases, best cases and average cases.
1. Adjust both StartNumber and Step appropriately to force the zero always appear near center. This is worst cases:

multi test

linear test

find it! array[41][41]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=42/100=0.420000

binary test

find it! array[42][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[63][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=65/100=0.650000

binary test

find it! array[63][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[36][36]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=37/100=0.370000

binary test

find it! array[36][36]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[38][38]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=39/100=0.390000

binary test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[99][10]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=104/100=1.040000

binary test

find it! array[82][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=36/100=0.360000


linear test

find it! array[41][41]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=42/100=0.420000

binary test

find it! array[95][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=23/100=0.230000


linear test

find it! array[43][43]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=44/100=0.440000

binary test

find it! array[43][43]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[66][23]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=68/100=0.680000

binary test

find it! array[91][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=22/100=0.220000


linear test

find it! array[93][12]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=108/100=1.080000

binary test

find it! array[95][12]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=27/100=0.270000


linear test

find it! array[45][45]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=46/100=0.460000

binary test

find it! array[45][45]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[41][41]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=42/100=0.420000

binary test

find it! array[86][16]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=18/100=0.180000


linear test

find it! array[70][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=72/100=0.720000

binary test

find it! array[70][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[41][41]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=42/100=0.420000

binary test

find it! array[93][15]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=37/100=0.370000


linear test

find it! array[44][44]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=45/100=0.450000

binary test

find it! array[98][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=22/100=0.220000


linear test

find it! array[66][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=68/100=0.680000

binary test

find it! array[66][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[87][16]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=90/100=0.900000

binary test

find it! array[88][16]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=18/100=0.180000


linear test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=40/100=0.400000

binary test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[83][17]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=86/100=0.860000

binary test

find it! array[66][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[45][45]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=46/100=0.460000

binary test

find it! array[45][45]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=40/100=0.400000

binary test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[70][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=72/100=0.720000

binary test

find it! array[70][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[69][26]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=71/100=0.710000

binary test

find it! array[69][26]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=40/100=0.400000

binary test

find it! array[39][39]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[68][23]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=70/100=0.700000

binary test

find it! array[98][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=22/100=0.220000


linear test

find it! array[42][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=43/100=0.430000

binary test

find it! array[42][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[43][43]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=44/100=0.440000

binary test

find it! array[43][43]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


linear test

find it! array[98][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=102/100=1.020000

binary test

find it! array[98][12]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=22/100=0.220000


linear test

find it! array[66][23]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=68/100=0.680000

binary test

find it! array[67][24]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=13/100=0.130000


linear test

find it! array[47][47]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=48/100=0.480000

binary test

find it! array[89][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=32/100=0.320000


linear test

find it! array[41][41]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=42/100=0.420000

binary test

find it! array[42][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=7/100=0.070000


30 times and average for linear is 0.588667

30 times and average for binary is 0.151333


1. Adjust both StartNumber and Step appropriately to force the zero not appear at center. This is both serves

average cases and best cases because I hardly don't want to force zero to appear at diagonal.

multi test

linear test

find it! array[75][21]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=153/100=1.530000

binary test

find it! array[75][21]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=108/100=1.080000


linear test

find it! array[98][8]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=114/100=1.140000

binary test

find it! array[89][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=57/100=0.570000


linear test

find it! array[63][23]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=247/100=2.470000

binary test

find it! array[77][17]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=80/100=0.800000


linear test

find it! array[89][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=138/100=1.380000

binary test

find it! array[90][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=58/100=0.580000


linear test

find it! array[80][15]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=179/100=1.790000

binary test

find it! array[79][16]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=78/100=0.780000


linear test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=626/100=6.260000

binary test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=357/100=3.570000


linear test

find it! array[64][22]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=66/100=0.660000

binary test

find it! array[66][20]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=95/100=0.950000


linear test

find it! array[64][29]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=237/100=2.370000

binary test

find it! array[64][29]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=132/100=1.320000


linear test

find it! array[74][19]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=201/100=2.010000

binary test

find it! array[74][19]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=65/100=0.650000


linear test

find it! array[40][48]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=340/100=3.400000

binary test

find it! array[40][48]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=221/100=2.210000


linear test

find it! array[79][16]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=171/100=1.710000

binary test

find it! array[33][50]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=211/100=2.110000


linear test

find it! array[51][33]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=280/100=2.800000

binary test

find it! array[52][33]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=178/100=1.780000


linear test

find it! array[55][29]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=250/100=2.500000

binary test

find it! array[86][12]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=56/100=0.560000


linear test

find it! array[67][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=232/100=2.320000

binary test

find it! array[67][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=129/100=1.290000


linear test

find it! array[74][21]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=172/100=1.720000

binary test

find it! array[53][33]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=150/100=1.500000


linear test

find it! array[76][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=169/100=1.690000

binary test

find it! array[75][13]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=82/100=0.820000


linear test

find it! array[40][51]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=392/100=3.920000

binary test

find it! array[41][51]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=247/100=2.470000


linear test

find it! array[89][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=125/100=1.250000

binary test

find it! array[89][11]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=45/100=0.450000


linear test

find it! array[94][9]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=110/100=1.100000

binary test

find it! array[94][10]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=39/100=0.390000


linear test

find it! array[66][25]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=237/100=2.370000

binary test

find it! array[55][31]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=116/100=1.160000


linear test

find it! array[61][27]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=250/100=2.500000

binary test

find it! array[62][27]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=129/100=1.290000


linear test

find it! array[27][61]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=438/100=4.380000

binary test

find it! array[27][61]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=286/100=2.860000


linear test

find it! array[22][65]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=357/100=3.570000

binary test

find it! array[22][65]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=221/100=2.210000


linear test

find it! array[39][52]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=398/100=3.980000

binary test

find it! array[39][52]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=261/100=2.610000


linear test

find it! array[30][61]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=404/100=4.040000

binary test

find it! array[30][62]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=293/100=2.930000


linear test

find it! array[79][15]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=151/100=1.510000

binary test

find it! array[79][15]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=84/100=0.840000


linear test

find it! array[41][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=340/100=3.400000

binary test

find it! array[41][42]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=216/100=2.160000


linear test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=605/100=6.050000

binary test

find it! array[93][8]=0

find it! at counter/ArraySize=29/100=0.290000


linear test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=628/100=6.280000

binary test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=413/100=4.130000


linear test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=661/100=6.610000

binary test

No luck! counter/ArraySize=424/100=4.240000


30 times and average for linear is 2.89033

30 times and average for binary is 1.62

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