ply reading

            Reading Ply Model(practicing)

A. First Edition
This is almost a trivial practice of win32 api. However, I spent a half night, literally, to implement it.
B.The problem

My project needs a huge data model and I have to download the famous "power plant" 3D model. However, it is really insane to give windows user a big-endian format! What is the purpose of author? It cost me almost a whole night to realize this!

And if you use .c file in VC++6, the compiler will strictly use C syntax which doesn't allow variable declaration after a function call! I spent more than an hour and googled this.


C.The idea of program

This is a just personal practicing and testing for my project.



D.The major functions
E.Further improvement
F.File listing

1. rply.h (downloaded)

2. rply.c (downloaded)

3. sconver.c (downloaded and modified a little bit)

4. main.c




file name: rply.h

#ifndef PLY_H
#define PLY_H
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* RPly library, read/write PLY files
* Diego Nehab, Princeton University
* This library is distributed under the MIT License. See notice
* at the end of this file.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define RPLY_VERSION "RPly 1.01"
#define RPLY_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Diego Nehab"
#define RPLY_AUTHORS "Diego Nehab"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Types
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* structures are opaque */
typedef struct t_ply_ *p_ply;
typedef struct t_ply_element_ *p_ply_element;
typedef struct t_ply_property_ *p_ply_property;
typedef struct t_ply_argument_ *p_ply_argument;

/* ply format mode type */
typedef enum e_ply_storage_mode_ {
PLY_DEFAULT /* has to be the last in enum */
} e_ply_storage_mode; /* order matches ply_storage_mode_list */

/* ply data type */
typedef enum e_ply_type {
PLY_LIST /* has to be the last in enum */
} e_ply_type; /* order matches ply_type_list */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Property reading callback prototype
* message: error message
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef void (*p_ply_error_cb)(const char *message);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Opens a ply file for reading (fails if file is not a ply file)
* error_cb: error callback function
* name: file name
* Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply ply_open(const char *name, p_ply_error_cb error_cb);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reads and parses the header of a ply file returned by ply_open
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_read_header(p_ply ply);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Property reading callback prototype
* argument: parameters for property being processed when callback is called
* Returns 1 if should continue processing file, 0 if should abort.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef int (*p_ply_read_cb)(p_ply_argument argument);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets up callbacks for property reading after header was parsed
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* element_name: element where property is
* property_name: property to associate element with
* read_cb: function to be called for each property value
* pdata/idata: user data that will be passed to callback
* Returns 0 if no element or no property in element, returns the
* number of element instances otherwise.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
long ply_set_read_cb(p_ply ply, const char *element_name,
const char *property_name, p_ply_read_cb read_cb,
void *pdata, long idata);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns information about the element originating a callback
* argument: handle to argument
* element: receives a the element handle (if non-null)
* instance_index: receives the index of the current element instance
* (if non-null)
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_argument_element(p_ply_argument argument,
p_ply_element *element, long *instance_index);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns information about the property originating a callback
* argument: handle to argument
* property: receives the property handle (if non-null)
* length: receives the number of values in this property (if non-null)
* value_index: receives the index of current property value (if non-null)
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_argument_property(p_ply_argument argument,
p_ply_property *property, long *length, long *value_index);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns user data associated with callback
* pdata: receives a copy of user custom data pointer (if non-null)
* idata: receives a copy of user custom data integer (if non-null)
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_argument_user_data(p_ply_argument argument, void **pdata,
long *idata);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the value associated with a callback
* argument: handle to argument
* Returns the current data item
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double ply_get_argument_value(p_ply_argument argument);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reads all elements and properties calling the callbacks defined with
* calls to ply_set_read_cb
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_read(p_ply ply);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterates over all elements by returning the next element.
* Call with NULL to return handle to first element.
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* last: handle of last element returned (NULL for first element)
* Returns element if successfull or NULL if no more elements
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply_element ply_get_next_element(p_ply ply, p_ply_element last);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterates over all comments by returning the next comment.
* Call with NULL to return pointer to first comment.
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* last: pointer to last comment returned (NULL for first comment)
* Returns comment if successfull or NULL if no more comments
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const char *ply_get_next_comment(p_ply ply, const char *last);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterates over all obj_infos by returning the next obj_info.
* Call with NULL to return pointer to first obj_info.
* ply: handle returned by ply_open
* last: pointer to last obj_info returned (NULL for first obj_info)
* Returns obj_info if successfull or NULL if no more obj_infos
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const char *ply_get_next_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *last);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns information about an element
* element: element of interest
* name: receives a pointer to internal copy of element name (if non-null)
* ninstances: receives the number of instances of this element (if non-null)
* Returns 1 if successfull or 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_element_info(p_ply_element element, const char** name,
long *ninstances);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterates over all properties by returning the next property.
* Call with NULL to return handle to first property.
* element: handle of element with the properties of interest
* last: handle of last property returned (NULL for first property)
* Returns element if successfull or NULL if no more properties
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply_property ply_get_next_property(p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property last);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns information about a property
* property: handle to property of interest
* name: receives a pointer to internal copy of property name (if non-null)
* type: receives the property type (if non-null)
* length_type: for list properties, receives the scalar type of
* the length field (if non-null)
* value_type: for list properties, receives the scalar type of the value
* fields (if non-null)
* Returns 1 if successfull or 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_property_info(p_ply_property property, const char** name,
e_ply_type *type, e_ply_type *length_type, e_ply_type *value_type);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates new ply file
* name: file name
* storage_mode: file format mode
* Returns handle to ply file if successfull, NULL otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply ply_create(const char *name, e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode,
p_ply_error_cb error_cb);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new element to the ply file created by ply_create
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* name: name of new element
* ninstances: number of element of this time in file
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_element(p_ply ply, const char *name, long ninstances);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new property to the last element added by ply_add_element
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* name: name of new property
* type: property type
* length_type: scalar type of length field of a list property
* value_type: scalar type of value fields of a list property
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_property(p_ply ply, const char *name, e_ply_type type,
e_ply_type length_type, e_ply_type value_type);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new list property to the last element added by ply_add_element
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* name: name of new property
* length_type: scalar type of length field of a list property
* value_type: scalar type of value fields of a list property
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_list_property(p_ply ply, const char *name,
e_ply_type length_type, e_ply_type value_type);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new property to the last element added by ply_add_element
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* name: name of new property
* type: property type
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_scalar_property(p_ply ply, const char *name, e_ply_type type);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new comment item
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* comment: pointer to string with comment text
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_comment(p_ply ply, const char *comment);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a new obj_info item
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* comment: pointer to string with obj_info data
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_add_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *obj_info);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Writes the ply file header after all element and properties have been
* defined by calls to ply_add_element and ply_add_property
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_write_header(p_ply ply);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Writes one property value, in the order they should be written to the
* file. For each element type, write all elements of that type in order.
* For each element, write all its properties in order. For scalar
* properties, just write the value. For list properties, write the length
* and then each of the values.
* ply: handle returned by ply_create
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_write(p_ply ply, double value);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Closes a ply file handle. Releases all memory used by handle
* ply: handle to be closed.
* Returns 1 if successfull, 0 otherwise
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_close(p_ply ply);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* RPLY_H */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
file name: rply.c
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* RPly library, read/write PLY files
* Diego Nehab, Princeton University
* This library is distributed under the MIT License. See notice
* at the end of this file.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include "rply.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constants
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define WORDSIZE 256
#define LINESIZE 1024
#define BUFFERSIZE (8*1024)

typedef enum e_ply_io_mode_ {
} e_ply_io_mode;

static const char *const ply_storage_mode_list[] = {
"binary_big_endian", "binary_little_endian", "ascii", NULL
}; /* order matches e_ply_storage_mode enum */

static const char *const ply_type_list[] = {
"int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16",
"int32", "uint32", "float32", "float64",
"char", "uchar", "short", "ushort",
"int", "uint", "float", "double",
"list", NULL
}; /* order matches e_ply_type enum */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Property reading callback argument
* element: name of element being processed
* property: name of property being processed
* nelements: number of elements of this kind in file
* instance_index: index current element of this kind being processed
* length: number of values in current list (or 1 for scalars)
* value_index: index of current value int this list (or 0 for scalars)
* value: value of property
* pdata/idata: user data defined with ply_set_cb
* Returns handle to ply file if succesful, NULL otherwise.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct t_ply_argument_ {
p_ply_element element;
long instance_index;
p_ply_property property;
long length, value_index;
double value;
void *pdata;
long idata;
} t_ply_argument;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Property information
* name: name of this property
* type: type of this property (list or type of scalar value)
* length_type, value_type: type of list property count and values
* read_cb: function to be called when this property is called
* Returns 1 if should continue processing file, 0 if should abort.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct t_ply_property_ {
char name[WORDSIZE];
e_ply_type type, value_type, length_type;
p_ply_read_cb read_cb;
void *pdata;
long idata;
} t_ply_property;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Element information
* name: name of this property
* ninstances: number of elements of this type in file
* property: property descriptions for this element
* nproperty: number of properties in this element
* Returns 1 if should continue processing file, 0 if should abort.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct t_ply_element_ {
char name[WORDSIZE];
long ninstances;
p_ply_property property;
long nproperties;
} t_ply_element;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Input/output driver
* Depending on file mode, different functions are used to read/write
* property fields. The drivers make it transparent to read/write in ascii,
* big endian or little endian cases.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef int (*p_ply_ihandler)(p_ply ply, double *value);
typedef int (*p_ply_ichunk)(p_ply ply, void *anydata, size_t size);
typedef struct t_ply_idriver_ {
p_ply_ihandler ihandler[16];
p_ply_ichunk ichunk;
const char *name;
} t_ply_idriver;
typedef t_ply_idriver *p_ply_idriver;

typedef int (*p_ply_ohandler)(p_ply ply, double value);
typedef int (*p_ply_ochunk)(p_ply ply, void *anydata, size_t size);
typedef struct t_ply_odriver_ {
p_ply_ohandler ohandler[16];
p_ply_ochunk ochunk;
const char *name;
} t_ply_odriver;
typedef t_ply_odriver *p_ply_odriver;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Ply file handle.
* io_mode: read or write (from e_ply_io_mode)
* storage_mode: mode of file associated with handle (from e_ply_storage_mode)
* element: elements description for this file
* nelement: number of different elements in file
* comment: comments for this file
* ncomments: number of comments in file
* obj_info: obj_info items for this file
* nobj_infos: number of obj_info items in file
* fp: file pointer associated with ply file
* c: last character read from ply file
* buffer: last word/chunck of data read from ply file
* buffer_first, buffer_last: interval of untouched good data in buffer
* buffer_token: start of parsed token (line or word) in buffer
* idriver, odriver: input driver used to get property fields from file
* argument: storage space for callback arguments
* welement, wproperty: element/property type being written
* winstance_index: index of instance of current element being written
* wvalue_index: index of list property value being written
* wlength: number of values in list property being written
* error_cb: callback for error messages
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct t_ply_ {
e_ply_io_mode io_mode;
e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode;
p_ply_element element;
long nelements;
char *comment;
long ncomments;
char *obj_info;
long nobj_infos;
FILE *fp;
int c;
char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
size_t buffer_first, buffer_token, buffer_last;
p_ply_idriver idriver;
p_ply_odriver odriver;
t_ply_argument argument;
long welement, wproperty;
long winstance_index, wvalue_index, wlength;
p_ply_error_cb error_cb;
} t_ply;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* I/O functions and drivers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_ascii;
static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_binary;
static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_binary_reverse;
static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_ascii;
static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_binary;
static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_binary_reverse;

static int ply_read_word(p_ply ply);
static int ply_check_word(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_line(p_ply ply);
static int ply_check_line(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_chunk(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size);
static int ply_read_chunk_reverse(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size);
static int ply_write_chunk(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size);
static int ply_write_chunk_reverse(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size);
static void ply_reverse(void *anydata, size_t size);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* String functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int ply_find_string(const char *item, const char* const list[]);
static p_ply_element ply_find_element(p_ply ply, const char *name);
static p_ply_property ply_find_property(p_ply_element element,
const char *name);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Header parsing
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int ply_read_header_format(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_header_comment(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_header_obj_info(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_header_property(p_ply ply);
static int ply_read_header_element(p_ply ply);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Error handling
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void ply_error_cb(const char *message);
static void ply_error(p_ply ply, const char *fmt, ...);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Memory allocation and initialization
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void ply_init(p_ply ply);
static void ply_element_init(p_ply_element element);
static void ply_property_init(p_ply_property property);
static p_ply ply_alloc(void);
static p_ply_element ply_grow_element(p_ply ply);
static p_ply_property ply_grow_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element);
static void *ply_grow_array(p_ply ply, void **pointer, long *nmemb, long size);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Special functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static e_ply_storage_mode ply_arch_endian(void);
static int ply_type_check(void);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Auxiliary read functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int ply_read_element(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_argument argument);
static int ply_read_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument);
static int ply_read_list_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument);
static int ply_read_scalar_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Buffer support functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* pointers to tokenized word and line in buffer */
#define BWORD(p) (p->buffer + p->buffer_token)
#define BLINE(p) (p->buffer + p->buffer_token)

/* pointer to start of untouched bytes in buffer */
#define BFIRST(p) (p->buffer + p->buffer_first)

/* number of bytes untouched in buffer */
#define BSIZE(p) (p->buffer_last - p->buffer_first)

/* consumes data from buffer */
#define BSKIP(p, s) (p->buffer_first += s)

/* refills the buffer */
static int BREFILL(p_ply ply) {
/* move untouched data to beginning of buffer */
size_t size = BSIZE(ply);
memmove(ply->buffer, BFIRST(ply), size);
ply->buffer_last = size;
ply->buffer_first = ply->buffer_token = 0;
/* fill remaining with new data */
size = fread(ply->buffer+size, 1, BUFFERSIZE-size-1, ply->fp);
/* place sentinel so we can use str* functions with buffer */
ply->buffer[BUFFERSIZE-1] = '\0';
/* check if read failed */
if (size <= 0) return 0;
/* increase size to account for new data */
ply->buffer_last += size;
return 1;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Exported functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Read support functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply ply_open(const char *name, p_ply_error_cb error_cb) {
char magic[5] = " ";
FILE *fp = NULL;
p_ply ply = NULL;
if (error_cb == NULL) error_cb = ply_error_cb;
if (!ply_type_check()) {
error_cb("Incompatible type system");
return NULL;
fp = fopen(name, "rb");
if (!fp) {
error_cb("Unable to open file");
return NULL;
if (fread(magic, 1, 4, fp) < 4) {
error_cb("Error reading from file");
return NULL;
if (strcmp(magic, "ply\n")) {
error_cb("Not a PLY file. Expected magic number 'ply\\n'");
return NULL;
ply = ply_alloc();
if (!ply) {
error_cb("Out of memory");
return NULL;
ply->fp = fp;
ply->io_mode = PLY_READ;
ply->error_cb = error_cb;
return ply;

int ply_read_header(p_ply ply) {
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
/* parse file format */
if (!ply_read_header_format(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid file format");
return 0;
/* parse elements, comments or obj_infos until the end of header */
while (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "end_header")) {
if (!ply_read_header_comment(ply) &&
!ply_read_header_element(ply) &&
!ply_read_header_obj_info(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Unexpected token '%s'", BWORD(ply));
return 0;
return 1;

long ply_set_read_cb(p_ply ply, const char *element_name,
const char* property_name, p_ply_read_cb read_cb,
void *pdata, long idata) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
p_ply_property property = NULL;
assert(ply && element_name && property_name);
element = ply_find_element(ply, element_name);
if (!element) return 0;
property = ply_find_property(element, property_name);
if (!property) return 0;
property->read_cb = read_cb;
property->pdata = pdata;
property->idata = idata;
return (int) element->ninstances;

int ply_read(p_ply ply) {
long i;
p_ply_argument argument;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
argument = &ply->argument;
/* for each element type */
for (i = 0; i < ply->nelements; i++) {
p_ply_element element = &ply->element[i];
argument->element = element;
if (!ply_read_element(ply, element, argument))
return 0;
return 1;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write support functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply ply_create(const char *name, e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode,
p_ply_error_cb error_cb) {
FILE *fp = NULL;
p_ply ply = NULL;
if (error_cb == NULL) error_cb = ply_error_cb;
if (!ply_type_check()) {
error_cb("Incompatible type system");
return NULL;
assert(name && storage_mode <= PLY_DEFAULT);
fp = fopen(name, "wb");
if (!fp) {
error_cb("Unable to create file");
return NULL;
ply = ply_alloc();
if (!ply) {
error_cb("Out of memory");
return NULL;
ply->io_mode = PLY_WRITE;
if (storage_mode == PLY_DEFAULT) storage_mode = ply_arch_endian();
if (storage_mode == PLY_ASCII) ply->odriver = &ply_odriver_ascii;
else if (storage_mode == ply_arch_endian())
ply->odriver = &ply_odriver_binary;
else ply->odriver = &ply_odriver_binary_reverse;
ply->storage_mode = storage_mode;
ply->fp = fp;
ply->error_cb = error_cb;
return ply;

int ply_add_element(p_ply ply, const char *name, long ninstances) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE);
assert(name && strlen(name) < WORDSIZE && ninstances >= 0);
if (strlen(name) >= WORDSIZE || ninstances < 0) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
element = ply_grow_element(ply);
if (!element) return 0;
strcpy(element->name, name);
element->ninstances = ninstances;
return 1;

int ply_add_scalar_property(p_ply ply, const char *name, e_ply_type type) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
p_ply_property property = NULL;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE);
assert(name && strlen(name) < WORDSIZE);
assert(type < PLY_LIST);
if (strlen(name) >= WORDSIZE || type >= PLY_LIST) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
element = &ply->element[ply->nelements-1];
property = ply_grow_property(ply, element);
if (!property) return 0;
strcpy(property->name, name);
property->type = type;
return 1;

int ply_add_list_property(p_ply ply, const char *name,
e_ply_type length_type, e_ply_type value_type) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
p_ply_property property = NULL;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE);
assert(name && strlen(name) < WORDSIZE);
if (strlen(name) >= WORDSIZE) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
assert(length_type < PLY_LIST);
assert(value_type < PLY_LIST);
if (length_type >= PLY_LIST || value_type >= PLY_LIST) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
element = &ply->element[ply->nelements-1];
property = ply_grow_property(ply, element);
if (!property) return 0;
strcpy(property->name, name);
property->type = PLY_LIST;
property->length_type = length_type;
property->value_type = value_type;
return 1;

int ply_add_property(p_ply ply, const char *name, e_ply_type type,
e_ply_type length_type, e_ply_type value_type) {
if (type == PLY_LIST)
return ply_add_list_property(ply, name, length_type, value_type);
return ply_add_scalar_property(ply, name, type);

int ply_add_comment(p_ply ply, const char *comment) {
char *new_comment = NULL;
assert(ply && comment && strlen(comment) < LINESIZE);
if (!comment || strlen(comment) >= LINESIZE) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
new_comment = (char *) ply_grow_array(ply, (void **) &ply->comment,
&ply->ncomments, LINESIZE);
if (!new_comment) return 0;
strcpy(new_comment, comment);
return 1;

int ply_add_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *obj_info) {
char *new_obj_info = NULL;
assert(ply && obj_info && strlen(obj_info) < LINESIZE);
if (!obj_info || strlen(obj_info) >= LINESIZE) {
ply_error(ply, "Invalid arguments");
return 0;
new_obj_info = (char *) ply_grow_array(ply, (void **) &ply->obj_info,
&ply->nobj_infos, LINESIZE);
if (!new_obj_info) return 0;
strcpy(new_obj_info, obj_info);
return 1;

int ply_write_header(p_ply ply) {
long i, j;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE);
assert(ply->element || ply->nelements == 0);
assert(!ply->element || ply->nelements > 0);
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "ply\nformat %s 1.0\n",
ply_storage_mode_list[ply->storage_mode]) <= 0) goto error;
for (i = 0; i < ply->ncomments; i++)
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "comment %s\n", ply->comment + LINESIZE*i) <= 0)
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < ply->nobj_infos; i++)
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "obj_info %s\n", ply->obj_info + LINESIZE*i) <= 0)
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < ply->nelements; i++) {
p_ply_element element = &ply->element[i];
assert(element->property || element->nproperties == 0);
assert(!element->property || element->nproperties > 0);
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "element %s %ld\n", element->name,
element->ninstances) <= 0) goto error;
for (j = 0; j < element->nproperties; j++) {
p_ply_property property = &element->property[j];
if (property->type == PLY_LIST) {
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "property list %s %s %s\n",
property->name) <= 0) goto error;
} else {
if (fprintf(ply->fp, "property %s %s\n",
property->name) <= 0) goto error;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "end_header\n") > 0;
ply_error(ply, "Error writing to file");
return 0;

int ply_write(p_ply ply, double value) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
p_ply_property property = NULL;
int type = -1;
int breakafter = 0;
if (ply->welement > ply->nelements) return 0;
element = &ply->element[ply->welement];
if (ply->wproperty > element->nproperties) return 0;
property = &element->property[ply->wproperty];
if (property->type == PLY_LIST) {
if (ply->wvalue_index == 0) {
type = property->length_type;
ply->wlength = (long) value;
} else type = property->value_type;
} else {
type = property->type;
ply->wlength = 0;
if (!ply->odriver->ohandler[type](ply, value)) {
ply_error(ply, "Failed writing %s of %s %d (%s: %s)",
property->name, element->name,
ply->odriver->name, ply_type_list[type]);
return 0;
if (ply->wvalue_index > ply->wlength) {
ply->wvalue_index = 0;
if (ply->wproperty >= element->nproperties) {
ply->wproperty = 0;
if (ply->storage_mode == PLY_ASCII) breakafter = 1;
if (ply->winstance_index >= element->ninstances) {
ply->winstance_index = 0;
return !breakafter || putc('\n', ply->fp) > 0;

int ply_close(p_ply ply) {
long i;
assert(ply && ply->fp);
assert(ply->element || ply->nelements == 0);
assert(!ply->element || ply->nelements > 0);
/* write last chunk to file */
if (ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE &&
fwrite(ply->buffer, 1, ply->buffer_last, ply->fp) < ply->buffer_last) {
ply_error(ply, "Error closing up");
return 0;
/* free all memory used by handle */
if (ply->element) {
for (i = 0; i < ply->nelements; i++) {
p_ply_element element = &ply->element[i];
if (element->property) free(element->property);
if (ply->obj_info) free(ply->obj_info);
if (ply->comment) free(ply->comment);
return 1;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Query support functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
p_ply_element ply_get_next_element(p_ply ply,
p_ply_element last) {
if (!last) return ply->element;
if (last < ply->element + ply->nelements) return last;
else return NULL;

int ply_get_element_info(p_ply_element element, const char** name,
long *ninstances) {
if (name) *name = element->name;
if (ninstances) *ninstances = (long) element->ninstances;
return 1;

p_ply_property ply_get_next_property(p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property last) {
if (!last) return element->property;
if (last < element->property + element->nproperties) return last;
else return NULL;

int ply_get_property_info(p_ply_property property, const char** name,
e_ply_type *type, e_ply_type *length_type, e_ply_type *value_type) {
if (name) *name = property->name;
if (type) *type = property->type;
if (length_type) *length_type = property->length_type;
if (value_type) *value_type = property->value_type;
return 1;


const char *ply_get_next_comment(p_ply ply, const char *last) {
if (!last) return ply->comment;
last += LINESIZE;
if (last < ply->comment + LINESIZE*ply->ncomments) return last;
else return NULL;

const char *ply_get_next_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *last) {
if (!last) return ply->obj_info;
last += LINESIZE;
if (last < ply->obj_info + LINESIZE*ply->nobj_infos) return last;
else return NULL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Callback argument support functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ply_get_argument_element(p_ply_argument argument,
p_ply_element *element, long *instance_index) {
if (!argument) return 0;
if (element) *element = argument->element;
if (instance_index) *instance_index = argument->instance_index;
return 1;

int ply_get_argument_property(p_ply_argument argument,
p_ply_property *property, long *length, long *value_index) {
if (!argument) return 0;
if (property) *property = argument->property;
if (length) *length = argument->length;
if (value_index) *value_index = argument->value_index;
return 1;

int ply_get_argument_user_data(p_ply_argument argument, void **pdata,
long *idata) {
if (!argument) return 0;
if (pdata) *pdata = argument->pdata;
if (idata) *idata = argument->idata;
return 1;

double ply_get_argument_value(p_ply_argument argument) {
if (!argument) return 0.0;
return argument->value;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal functions
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int ply_read_list_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument) {
int l;
p_ply_read_cb read_cb = property->read_cb;
p_ply_ihandler *driver = ply->idriver->ihandler;
/* get list length */
p_ply_ihandler handler = driver[property->length_type];
double length;
if (!handler(ply, &length)) {
ply_error(ply, "Error reading '%s' of '%s' number %d",
property->name, element->name, argument->instance_index);
return 0;
/* invoke callback to pass length in value field */
argument->length = (long) length;
argument->value_index = -1;
argument->value = length;
if (read_cb && !read_cb(argument)) {
ply_error(ply, "Aborted by user");
return 0;
/* read list values */
handler = driver[property->value_type];
/* for each value in list */
for (l = 0; l < (long) length; l++) {
/* read value from file */
argument->value_index = l;
if (!handler(ply, &argument->value)) {
ply_error(ply, "Error reading value number %d of '%s' of "
"'%s' number %d", l+1, property->name,
element->name, argument->instance_index);
return 0;
/* invoke callback to pass value */
if (read_cb && !read_cb(argument)) {
ply_error(ply, "Aborted by user");
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_scalar_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument) {
p_ply_read_cb read_cb = property->read_cb;
p_ply_ihandler *driver = ply->idriver->ihandler;
p_ply_ihandler handler = driver[property->type];
argument->length = 1;
argument->value_index = 0;
if (!handler(ply, &argument->value)) {
ply_error(ply, "Error reading '%s' of '%s' number %d",
property->name, element->name, argument->instance_index);
return 0;
if (read_cb && !read_cb(argument)) {
ply_error(ply, "Aborted by user");
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_property property, p_ply_argument argument) {
if (property->type == PLY_LIST)
return ply_read_list_property(ply, element, property, argument);
return ply_read_scalar_property(ply, element, property, argument);

static int ply_read_element(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element,
p_ply_argument argument) {
long j, k;
/* for each element of this type */
for (j = 0; j < element->ninstances; j++) {
argument->instance_index = j;
/* for each property */
for (k = 0; k < element->nproperties; k++) {
p_ply_property property = &element->property[k];
argument->property = property;
argument->pdata = property->pdata;
argument->idata = property->idata;
if (!ply_read_property(ply, element, property, argument))
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_find_string(const char *item, const char* const list[]) {
int i;
assert(item && list);
for (i = 0; list[i]; i++)
if (!strcmp(list[i], item)) return i;
return -1;

static p_ply_element ply_find_element(p_ply ply, const char *name) {
p_ply_element element;
int i, nelements;
assert(ply && name);
element = ply->element;
nelements = ply->nelements;
assert(element || nelements == 0);
assert(!element || nelements > 0);
for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++)
if (!strcmp(element[i].name, name)) return &element[i];
return NULL;

static p_ply_property ply_find_property(p_ply_element element,
const char *name) {
p_ply_property property;
int i, nproperties;
assert(element && name);
property = element->property;
nproperties = element->nproperties;
assert(property || nproperties == 0);
assert(!property || nproperties > 0);
for (i = 0; i < nproperties; i++)
if (!strcmp(property[i].name, name)) return &property[i];
return NULL;

static int ply_check_word(p_ply ply) {
if (strlen(BLINE(ply)) >= WORDSIZE) {
ply_error(ply, "Word too long");
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_word(p_ply ply) {
size_t t = 0;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
/* skip leading blanks */
while (1) {
t = strspn(BFIRST(ply), " \n\r\t");
/* check if all buffer was made of blanks */
if (t >= BSIZE(ply)) {
if (!BREFILL(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Unexpected end of file");
return 0;
} else break;
BSKIP(ply, t);
/* look for a space after the current word */
t = strcspn(BFIRST(ply), " \n\r\t");
/* if we didn't reach the end of the buffer, we are done */
if (t < BSIZE(ply)) {
ply->buffer_token = ply->buffer_first;
BSKIP(ply, t);
*BFIRST(ply) = '\0';
BSKIP(ply, 1);
return ply_check_word(ply);
/* otherwise, try to refill buffer */
if (!BREFILL(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Unexpected end of file");
return 0;
/* keep looking from where we left */
t += strcspn(BFIRST(ply) + t, " \n\r\t");
/* check if the token is too large for our buffer */
if (t >= BSIZE(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Token too large");
return 0;
/* we are done */
ply->buffer_token = ply->buffer_first;
BSKIP(ply, t);
*BFIRST(ply) = '\0';
BSKIP(ply, 1);
return ply_check_word(ply);

static int ply_check_line(p_ply ply) {
if (strlen(BLINE(ply)) >= LINESIZE) {
ply_error(ply, "Line too long");
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_line(p_ply ply) {
const char *end = NULL;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
/* look for a end of line */
end = strchr(BFIRST(ply), '\n');
/* if we didn't reach the end of the buffer, we are done */
if (end) {
ply->buffer_token = ply->buffer_first;
BSKIP(ply, end - BFIRST(ply));
*BFIRST(ply) = '\0';
BSKIP(ply, 1);
return ply_check_line(ply);
} else {
end = ply->buffer + BSIZE(ply);
/* otherwise, try to refill buffer */
if (!BREFILL(ply)) {
ply_error(ply, "Unexpected end of file");
return 0;
/* keep looking from where we left */
end = strchr(end, '\n');
/* check if the token is too large for our buffer */
if (!end) {
ply_error(ply, "Token too large");
return 0;
/* we are done */
ply->buffer_token = ply->buffer_first;
BSKIP(ply, end - BFIRST(ply));
*BFIRST(ply) = '\0';
BSKIP(ply, 1);
return ply_check_line(ply);

static int ply_read_chunk(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size) {
char *buffer = (char *) anybuffer;
size_t i = 0;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
assert(ply->buffer_first <= ply->buffer_last);
while (i < size) {
if (ply->buffer_first < ply->buffer_last) {
buffer[i] = ply->buffer[ply->buffer_first];
} else {
ply->buffer_first = 0;
ply->buffer_last = fread(ply->buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, ply->fp);
if (ply->buffer_last <= 0) return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_write_chunk(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size) {
char *buffer = (char *) anybuffer;
size_t i = 0;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_WRITE);
assert(ply->buffer_last <= BUFFERSIZE);
while (i < size) {
if (ply->buffer_last < BUFFERSIZE) {
ply->buffer[ply->buffer_last] = buffer[i];
} else {
ply->buffer_last = 0;
if (fwrite(ply->buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, ply->fp) < BUFFERSIZE)
return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_write_chunk_reverse(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size) {
int ret = 0;
ply_reverse(anybuffer, size);
ret = ply_write_chunk(ply, anybuffer, size);
ply_reverse(anybuffer, size);
return ret;

static int ply_read_chunk_reverse(p_ply ply, void *anybuffer, size_t size) {
if (!ply_read_chunk(ply, anybuffer, size)) return 0;
ply_reverse(anybuffer, size);
return 1;

static void ply_reverse(void *anydata, size_t size) {
char *data = (char *) anydata;
char temp;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size/2; i++) {
temp = data[i];
data[i] = data[size-i-1];
data[size-i-1] = temp;

static void ply_init(p_ply ply) {
ply->c = ' ';
ply->element = NULL;
ply->nelements = 0;
ply->comment = NULL;
ply->ncomments = 0;
ply->obj_info = NULL;
ply->nobj_infos = 0;
ply->idriver = NULL;
ply->odriver = NULL;
ply->buffer[0] = '\0';
ply->buffer_first = ply->buffer_last = ply->buffer_token = 0;
ply->welement = 0;
ply->wproperty = 0;
ply->winstance_index = 0;
ply->wlength = 0;
ply->wvalue_index = 0;

static void ply_element_init(p_ply_element element) {
element->name[0] = '\0';
element->ninstances = 0;
element->property = NULL;
element->nproperties = 0;

static void ply_property_init(p_ply_property property) {
property->name[0] = '\0';
property->type = -1;
property->length_type = -1;
property->value_type = -1;
property->read_cb = (p_ply_read_cb) NULL;
property->pdata = NULL;
property->idata = 0;

static p_ply ply_alloc(void) {
p_ply ply = (p_ply) malloc(sizeof(t_ply));
if (!ply) return NULL;
return ply;

static void *ply_grow_array(p_ply ply, void **pointer,
long *nmemb, long size) {
void *temp = *pointer;
long count = *nmemb + 1;
if (!temp) temp = malloc(count*size);
else temp = realloc(temp, count*size);
if (!temp) {
ply_error(ply, "Out of memory");
return NULL;
*pointer = temp;
*nmemb = count;
return (char *) temp + (count-1) * size;

static p_ply_element ply_grow_element(p_ply ply) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
assert(ply->element || ply->nelements == 0);
assert(!ply->element || ply->nelements > 0);
element = (p_ply_element) ply_grow_array(ply, (void **) &ply->element,
&ply->nelements, sizeof(t_ply_element));
if (!element) return NULL;
return element;

static p_ply_property ply_grow_property(p_ply ply, p_ply_element element) {
p_ply_property property = NULL;
assert(element->property || element->nproperties == 0);
assert(!element->property || element->nproperties > 0);
property = (p_ply_property) ply_grow_array(ply,
(void **) &element->property,
&element->nproperties, sizeof(t_ply_property));
if (!property) return NULL;
return property;

static int ply_read_header_format(p_ply ply) {
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "format")) return 0;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
ply->storage_mode = ply_find_string(BWORD(ply), ply_storage_mode_list);
if (ply->storage_mode == (e_ply_storage_mode) (-1)) return 0;
if (ply->storage_mode == PLY_ASCII) ply->idriver = &ply_idriver_ascii;
else if (ply->storage_mode == ply_arch_endian())
ply->idriver = &ply_idriver_binary;
else ply->idriver = &ply_idriver_binary_reverse;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "1.0")) return 0;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_header_comment(p_ply ply) {
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "comment")) return 0;
if (!ply_read_line(ply)) return 0;
if (!ply_add_comment(ply, BLINE(ply))) return 0;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_header_obj_info(p_ply ply) {
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "obj_info")) return 0;
if (!ply_read_line(ply)) return 0;
if (!ply_add_obj_info(ply, BLINE(ply))) return 0;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_header_property(p_ply ply) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
p_ply_property property = NULL;
/* make sure it is a property */
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "property")) return 0;
element = &ply->element[ply->nelements-1];
property = ply_grow_property(ply, element);
if (!property) return 0;
/* get property type */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
property->type = ply_find_string(BWORD(ply), ply_type_list);
if (property->type == (e_ply_type) (-1)) return 0;
if (property->type == PLY_LIST) {
/* if it's a list, we need the base types */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
property->length_type = ply_find_string(BWORD(ply), ply_type_list);
if (property->length_type == (e_ply_type) (-1)) return 0;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
property->value_type = ply_find_string(BWORD(ply), ply_type_list);
if (property->value_type == (e_ply_type) (-1)) return 0;
/* get property name */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
strcpy(property->name, BWORD(ply));
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
return 1;

static int ply_read_header_element(p_ply ply) {
p_ply_element element = NULL;
long dummy;
assert(ply && ply->fp && ply->io_mode == PLY_READ);
if (strcmp(BWORD(ply), "element")) return 0;
/* allocate room for new element */
element = ply_grow_element(ply);
if (!element) return 0;
/* get element name */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
strcpy(element->name, BWORD(ply));
/* get number of elements of this type */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
if (sscanf(BWORD(ply), "%ld", &dummy) != 1) {
ply_error(ply, "Expected number got '%s'", BWORD(ply));
return 0;
element->ninstances = dummy;
/* get all properties for this element */
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
while (ply_read_header_property(ply) ||
ply_read_header_comment(ply) || ply_read_header_obj_info(ply))
/* do nothing */;
return 1;

static void ply_error_cb(const char *message) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPly: %s\n", message);

static void ply_error(p_ply ply, const char *fmt, ...) {
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap);

static e_ply_storage_mode ply_arch_endian(void) {
unsigned long i = 1;
unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) &i;
if (*s == 1) return PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
else return PLY_BIG_ENDIAN;

static int ply_type_check(void) {
assert(sizeof(char) == 1);
assert(sizeof(unsigned char) == 1);
assert(sizeof(short) == 2);
assert(sizeof(unsigned short) == 2);
assert(sizeof(long) == 4);
assert(sizeof(unsigned long) == 4);
assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
assert(sizeof(double) == 8);
if (sizeof(char) != 1) return 0;
if (sizeof(unsigned char) != 1) return 0;
if (sizeof(short) != 2) return 0;
if (sizeof(unsigned short) != 2) return 0;
if (sizeof(long) != 4) return 0;
if (sizeof(unsigned long) != 4) return 0;
if (sizeof(float) != 4) return 0;
if (sizeof(double) != 8) return 0;
return 1;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Output handlers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int oascii_int8(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > CHAR_MAX || value < CHAR_MIN) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (char) value) > 0;

static int oascii_uint8(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > UCHAR_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (unsigned char) value) > 0;

static int oascii_int16(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > SHRT_MAX || value < SHRT_MIN) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (short) value) > 0;

static int oascii_uint16(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > USHRT_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (unsigned short) value) > 0;

static int oascii_int32(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > LONG_MAX || value < LONG_MIN) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (int) value) > 0;

static int oascii_uint32(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value > ULONG_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%d ", (unsigned int) value) > 0;

static int oascii_float32(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value < -FLT_MAX || value > FLT_MAX) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%g ", (float) value) > 0;

static int oascii_float64(p_ply ply, double value) {
if (value < -DBL_MAX || value > DBL_MAX) return 0;
return fprintf(ply->fp, "%g ", value) > 0;

static int obinary_int8(p_ply ply, double value) {
char int8 = (char) value;
if (value > CHAR_MAX || value < CHAR_MIN) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &int8, sizeof(int8));

static int obinary_uint8(p_ply ply, double value) {
unsigned char uint8 = (unsigned char) value;
if (value > UCHAR_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &uint8, sizeof(uint8));

static int obinary_int16(p_ply ply, double value) {
short int16 = (short) value;
if (value > SHRT_MAX || value < SHRT_MIN) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &int16, sizeof(int16));

static int obinary_uint16(p_ply ply, double value) {
unsigned short uint16 = (unsigned short) value;
if (value > USHRT_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &uint16, sizeof(uint16));

static int obinary_int32(p_ply ply, double value) {
long int32 = (long) value;
if (value > LONG_MAX || value < LONG_MIN) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &int32, sizeof(int32));

static int obinary_uint32(p_ply ply, double value) {
unsigned long uint32 = (unsigned long) value;
if (value > ULONG_MAX || value < 0) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &uint32, sizeof(uint32));

static int obinary_float32(p_ply ply, double value) {
float float32 = (float) value;
if (value > FLT_MAX || value < -FLT_MAX) return 0;
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &float32, sizeof(float32));

static int obinary_float64(p_ply ply, double value) {
return ply->odriver->ochunk(ply, &value, sizeof(value));

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Input handlers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int iascii_int8(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value > CHAR_MAX || *value < CHAR_MIN) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_uint8(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value > UCHAR_MAX || *value < 0) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_int16(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value > SHRT_MAX || *value < SHRT_MIN) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_uint16(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value > USHRT_MAX || *value < 0) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_int32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value > LONG_MAX || *value < LONG_MIN) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_uint32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtol(BWORD(ply), &end, 10);
if (*end || *value < 0) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_float32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtod(BWORD(ply), &end);
if (*end || *value < -FLT_MAX || *value > FLT_MAX) return 0;
return 1;

static int iascii_float64(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char *end;
if (!ply_read_word(ply)) return 0;
*value = strtod(BWORD(ply), &end);
if (*end || *value < -DBL_MAX || *value > DBL_MAX) return 0;
return 1;

static int ibinary_int8(p_ply ply, double *value) {
char int8;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &int8, 1)) return 0;
*value = int8;
return 1;

static int ibinary_uint8(p_ply ply, double *value) {
unsigned char uint8;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &uint8, 1)) return 0;
*value = uint8;
return 1;

static int ibinary_int16(p_ply ply, double *value) {
short int16;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &int16, sizeof(int16))) return 0;
*value = int16;
return 1;

static int ibinary_uint16(p_ply ply, double *value) {
unsigned short uint16;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &uint16, sizeof(uint16))) return 0;
*value = uint16;
return 1;

static int ibinary_int32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
long int32;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &int32, sizeof(int32))) return 0;
*value = int32;
return 1;

static int ibinary_uint32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
unsigned long uint32;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &uint32, sizeof(uint32))) return 0;
*value = uint32;
return 1;

static int ibinary_float32(p_ply ply, double *value) {
float float32;
if (!ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, &float32, sizeof(float32))) return 0;
*value = float32;
ply_reverse(&float32, sizeof(float32));
return 1;

static int ibinary_float64(p_ply ply, double *value) {
return ply->idriver->ichunk(ply, value, sizeof(double));

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constants
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_ascii = {
{ iascii_int8, iascii_uint8, iascii_int16, iascii_uint16,
iascii_int32, iascii_uint32, iascii_float32, iascii_float64,
iascii_int8, iascii_uint8, iascii_int16, iascii_uint16,
iascii_int32, iascii_uint32, iascii_float32, iascii_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"ascii input"

static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_binary = {
{ ibinary_int8, ibinary_uint8, ibinary_int16, ibinary_uint16,
ibinary_int32, ibinary_uint32, ibinary_float32, ibinary_float64,
ibinary_int8, ibinary_uint8, ibinary_int16, ibinary_uint16,
ibinary_int32, ibinary_uint32, ibinary_float32, ibinary_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"binary input"

static t_ply_idriver ply_idriver_binary_reverse = {
{ ibinary_int8, ibinary_uint8, ibinary_int16, ibinary_uint16,
ibinary_int32, ibinary_uint32, ibinary_float32, ibinary_float64,
ibinary_int8, ibinary_uint8, ibinary_int16, ibinary_uint16,
ibinary_int32, ibinary_uint32, ibinary_float32, ibinary_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"reverse binary input"

static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_ascii = {
{ oascii_int8, oascii_uint8, oascii_int16, oascii_uint16,
oascii_int32, oascii_uint32, oascii_float32, oascii_float64,
oascii_int8, oascii_uint8, oascii_int16, oascii_uint16,
oascii_int32, oascii_uint32, oascii_float32, oascii_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"ascii output"

static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_binary = {
{ obinary_int8, obinary_uint8, obinary_int16, obinary_uint16,
obinary_int32, obinary_uint32, obinary_float32, obinary_float64,
obinary_int8, obinary_uint8, obinary_int16, obinary_uint16,
obinary_int32, obinary_uint32, obinary_float32, obinary_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"binary output"

static t_ply_odriver ply_odriver_binary_reverse = {
{ obinary_int8, obinary_uint8, obinary_int16, obinary_uint16,
obinary_int32, obinary_uint32, obinary_float32, obinary_float64,
obinary_int8, obinary_uint8, obinary_int16, obinary_uint16,
obinary_int32, obinary_uint32, obinary_float32, obinary_float64
}, /* order matches e_ply_type enum */
"reverse binary output"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2003 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
file name: sconvert.c
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "rply.h"
#include "convert.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>

static int callback(p_ply_argument argument)
void *pdata;
/* just pass the value from the input file to the output file */
ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &pdata, NULL);
ply_write((p_ply) pdata, ply_get_argument_value(argument));
return 1;

static int setup_callbacks(p_ply iply, p_ply oply)
p_ply_element element = NULL;
/* iterate over all elements in input file */
while ((element = ply_get_next_element(iply, element))) {
p_ply_property property = NULL;
long nelems = 0;
const char *element_name;
ply_get_element_info(element, &element_name, &nelems);
/* add this element to output file */
if (!ply_add_element(oply, element_name, nelems)) return 0;
/* iterate over all properties of current element */
while ((property = ply_get_next_property(element, property))) {
const char *property_name;
e_ply_type type, length_type, value_type;
ply_get_property_info(property, &property_name, &type,
&length_type, &value_type);
/* setup input callback for this property */
if (!ply_set_read_cb(iply, element_name, property_name, callback,
oply, 0)) return 0;
/* add this property to output file */
if (!ply_add_property(oply, property_name, type, length_type,
value_type)) return 0;
return 1;

int convert(char* fileName)
const char *value;
char buf[32];
p_ply iply, oply;

GetTempFileName(".", "whatever", 0, buf);
if (MoveFileEx(fileName, buf, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)==0)
printf("rename fails with error code %d\n", GetLastError());
return 2;

iply = ply_open(buf, NULL);
if (!iply) return 1;
if (!ply_read_header(iply)) return 1;

oply = ply_create(fileName, PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, NULL);
if (!oply) return 1;
if (!setup_callbacks(iply, oply)) return 1;
//pass comments and obj_infos from input to output
value = NULL;
while ((value = ply_get_next_comment(iply, value)))
if (!ply_add_comment(oply, value)) return 1;
value = NULL;
while ((value = ply_get_next_obj_info(iply, value)))
if (!ply_add_obj_info(oply, value)) return 1;;
// write output header
if (!ply_write_header(oply)) return 1;
// read input file generating callbacks that pass data to output file /
if (!ply_read(iply)) return 1;
// close up, we are done
if (!ply_close(iply)) return 1;
if (!ply_close(oply)) return 1;
return 0;

file name: main.c
#include <iostream>
#include "rply.h"

using namespace std;
#include "sconvert.c"

//#include "rply.h"

typedef float FVector[3];
typedef unsigned char UCVector[3];

//extern int convert(char* fileName);

struct PlyFace
unsigned char number;
int* indexList;
UCVector color;

struct PlyModel
int vNumber;
int fNumber;
FVector* coord;
UCVector* color;
FVector* normal;
PlyFace* faceList;
bool analysis(char* buf, PlyModel& ply);
int readFile(char* fileName);


bool PlyModel::analysis(char* buf, PlyModel& ply)
char* token;
token=strtok(buf, " \n");
while (token!=NULL)
if (strcmp(token, "vertex")==0)
token=strtok(NULL, " \n");
sscanf(token, "%d", &ply.vNumber);
if (strcmp(token, "face")==0)
token=strtok(NULL, " \n");
sscanf(token, "%d", &ply.fNumber);
if (strcmp(token, "end_header" )==0)
return true;
token=strtok(NULL, " \n");
return false;

int PlyModel::readFile(char* fileName)
FILE* file;
char buffer[256];
int i;
PlyModel ply;

file=fopen(fileName, "r+b");

while (true)
fgets(buffer, 256, file);
//i=fread(buffer, 1, 256, file);

if (analysis(buffer, ply))

ply.coord=new FVector[ply.vNumber];
ply.color=new UCVector[ply.vNumber];
ply.normal=new FVector[ply.vNumber];
ply.faceList=new PlyFace[ply.fNumber];
for (i=0; i<ply.vNumber; i++)
fread(ply.coord[i], sizeof(float), 3, file);
fread(ply.color[i], sizeof(unsigned char), 3, file);
fread(ply.normal[i], sizeof(float), 3, file);

for (i=0; i<ply.fNumber; i++)
fread(&ply.faceList[i].number, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, file);

ply.faceList[i].indexList=new int[ply.faceList[i].number];

fread(ply.faceList[i].indexList, sizeof(int), ply.faceList[i].number, file);
fread(ply.faceList[i].color, sizeof(unsigned char), 3, file);
return 0;

int main()
PlyModel ply;

return 0;
The input g0.ply file is a typical ply format data file. The header is like following:
format binary_big_endian 1.0
element vertex 3259
property float x
property float y
property float z
property uchar red
property uchar green
property uchar blue
property float nx
property float ny
property float nz
element face 4128
property list uchar int vertex_indices
property uchar red
property uchar green
property uchar blue
And from this header you are absolutely unable to realize what it makes difference from little-endian because
these are characters. Of course only as blind as I who cannot read "big-endian" in this header. However, I 
just refused to admit it.
				 back.gif (341 bytes)       up.gif (335 bytes)         next.gif (337 bytes)