top coder practice room(practice room1-16)(2001 invi-semi)

         A Simple Search for Total Weight of some patterns...

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

typedef set<int> IntSet;

struct Coord
Coord(int aX = 0, int aY = 0): x(aX), y(aY){;}
int x, y;

struct Matrix
Matrix(size_t aRow = 0, size_t aCol = 0)
init(aRow, aCol);
featureCounter = featureWeight = 0;

Matrix(const Matrix& other)
init(other.row, other.col);
memcpy(data,, other.row*other.col);
featureCounter = other.featureCounter;
featureWeight = other.featureWeight;

Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& other)
init(other.row, other.col);
memcpy(data,, other.row*other.col);
featureCounter = other.featureCounter;
featureWeight = other.featureWeight;


void uninit()
if (data)
delete[] data;
data = NULL;
row = col = 0;

void init(size_t aRow, size_t aCol)
row = aRow;
col = aCol;
featureCounter = 0;
featureWeight = 0;
if (row > 0 && col > 0)
data = new char[row*col];
data = NULL;
memset(data, 0, row*col);

bool nextCoord(Coord& coord)
for (int r = 0; r < row; r ++)
for (int c = 0; c < col; c ++)
if (element(c, r) == 0)
coord.x = c;
coord.y = r;
return true;
return false;

char& element(int c, int r)
return data[r*col + c];
char& element(const Coord& coord)
return element(coord.x, coord.y);

char element(int c, int r) const
return data[r*col + c];
char element(const Coord& coord) const
return element(coord.x, coord.y);

void print()
for (int r = 0; r < row; r ++)
for (int c = 0; c < col; c ++)
char base = 'A';
if (element(c, r) > 26)
base = 'a';
printf("%c", element(c, r) + base);
cout << endl;
printf("featureCounter=%d, featureWeight=%d\n", featureCounter, featureWeight);

char* data;
size_t row, col;
size_t featureCounter;
size_t featureWeight;

struct Feature
virtual bool evaluate(const Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord) = 0;
virtual void fillIn(Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord) = 0;
virtual int weight() = 0;

struct FeatureFirst : public Feature
bool evaluate(const Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
return coord.x + 1 < matrix.col && coord.y < matrix.row
&& matrix.element(coord.x+1, coord.y) == 0;
void fillIn(Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
matrix.featureCounter ++;
matrix.element(coord) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(Coord(coord.x+1, coord.y)) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.featureWeight += 1;

int weight()
return 1;

struct FeatureSecond : public Feature
bool evaluate(const Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
return coord.x < matrix.col && coord.y + 1 < matrix.row
&& matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+1) == 0;;
void fillIn(Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
matrix.featureCounter ++;
matrix.element(coord) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+1) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.featureWeight += 1;

int weight()
return 1;

struct FeatureThird : public Feature
bool evaluate(const Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
return coord.x + 2 < matrix.col && coord.y < matrix.row
&& matrix.element(coord.x+1, coord.y) == 0 && matrix.element(coord.x+2, coord.y) == 0;
void fillIn(Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
matrix.featureCounter ++;
matrix.element(coord) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(coord.x+1, coord.y) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(coord.x+2, coord.y) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.featureWeight += 1;
int weight()
return 1;

struct FeatureFourth : public Feature
bool evaluate(const Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
return coord.x < matrix.col && coord.y + 2 < matrix.row
&& matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+1) == 0 && matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+2) == 0;
void fillIn(Matrix& matrix, const Coord& coord)
matrix.featureCounter ++;
matrix.element(coord) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+1) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.element(coord.x, coord.y+2) = matrix.featureCounter;
matrix.featureWeight += 1;
int weight()
return 1;

FeatureFirst featureFirst;
FeatureSecond featureSecond;
FeatureThird featureThird;
FeatureFourth featureFourth;
const int FeatureCountMax = 4;
Feature* features[FeatureCountMax] = {&featureFirst, &featureSecond, &featureThird, &featureFourth};

int next(Matrix& matrix, IntSet& intSet)
Coord coord;
if (matrix.nextCoord(coord))
for (int j = 0; j < FeatureCountMax; j ++)
if (features[j]->evaluate(matrix, coord))
Matrix subMatrix(matrix);
features[j]->fillIn(subMatrix, coord);
next(subMatrix, intSet);
return 1;
return 0;

size_t factorial(size_t n)
size_t result = 1;
for (size_t i = 2; i <= n; i ++)
result *= i;
return result;

int featureSearch(int w, int h)
Matrix matrix(w, h);
IntSet intSet;
next(matrix, intSet);

for (IntSet::const_iterator it = intSet.begin(); it != intSet.end(); it ++)
printf("[%d]", *it);
size_t factor = w*h;
printf("total number of random patterns: %d and percentage of predefined patterns: %f\%\n", factor, (double)intSet.size()/(double)factor);
return 0;

int main()
featureSearch(6, 6);
return 0;

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